Packing List
Original passport – please remember to bring your original passport which should be the current one; if you have acquired a new one after you made your booking, bring both – the one you used for booking your trip and the new one. The information you provided us in time of your booking have to match with your tickets in the Inca trail, so that is the reason why we ask you for your personal information when you book the trip.
Down sleeping bag – see in the Frequently asked questions section above.
Trekking boots – they should be breaked already; if you have acquired new ones, make sure to break them down before you come. They should be comfortable for your feet and possibly have ankle support.
Down warm fleece – jacket has to be warm enough for the nights and also a wind breaker and/or waterresistant.
Few t-shirts – made for hiking; as you will sweat a lot, you may consider bringing at least 3 or 4 of them, one for the hike, one for the night and one clean for Machu Picchu.
Socks – bring at least 3 pairs.
Sun hat – as some days can be hot and sunny, we recommend you to bring a sun hat that can keep the sun off your face.
Clothes for sleeping – warm long underwear; you can use your fleece to sleep in and you may consider bringing gloves especially for the camp site.
Light long pants – trekking pants are the best ones, especially those that you can zip off the legs, plus they dry fast.
Sunscreen – SPF 35+ recommended
Head lamp – all the camps are dark so you will need to bring your head lights for organizing your stuff in your tent or going to the bathroom at night.
Camera with spare batteries (batteries run down faster at high altitudes).
Book to read – you will have some spare time at every camp to read your favorite book or those that are about Machu Picchu that may make you journey more interesting (the following books are recommended by us: Last Days of the Incas by Kim MacQuarrie, Turn Right at Machu Picchu: Rediscovering the Lost City One Step at a Time by Mark Adams)
Trekking poles – see in the question section above.
Bug repellent – there are mosquitos all year round, so make sure you pack your bug spray.
Toiletries – toilet paper, wet wipes, personal towel.